50th Class Reunion Scholarship Endowment
The Case for Endowed Scholarships
Dear Classmates,
As we approach our 50th Reunion on September 14, nostalgia fills our hearts as we reflect on the formative years we spent at St. Mary’s Academy and Ryken High School. Though our paths have varied, we share a common truth: the education, values, confidence and faith we gained were crucial in shaping who we are today. Our parents wisely invested in our futures, knowing these schools were the best places for us to grow.
Today, that decision is even more significant for parents who want their children to thrive in similar environments, though the financial commitment is now more challenging. At $20,000 per year, St. Mary’s Ryken remains among the most affordable Catholic high schools in the Maryland and DC regions. Still, the school faces a gap of over $3,000 per student each year and covers more than $2 million in operating expenses. Additionally, nearly $3 million in financial aid and scholarships are awarded annually, with 80% of all students receiving assistance. Tuition, philanthropy and facility rentals are the school’s only sources of revenue. St. Mary’s Ryken does not receive government or diocesean funding.
Recognizing these increased costs, several of our classmates have joined together to create a lasting legacy for our alma mater. We hope this initiative will inspire future 50th Reunion Classes. We’ve each pledged $5,000 over the next five years for a $30,000 challenge aimed at raising $60,000 to establish the 50th Reunion Class Scholarship Fund Endowment, starting with the Class of 1974. This support will strengthen the financial foundation for future students and underscore the importance of giving back.
We invite you to join us with a commitment of whatever amount you feel comfortable as a one-time donation or to be paid over five years, by June 30, 2030. Donations can be made online (with a convenient recurring gift option via credit card or ACH). You can also pay by check using the enclosed reply device.
If you have questions, please contact Michele Minicozzi, Director of Development, at michele.minicozzi@smrhs.org. We look forward to reconnecting with you at the Reunion Celebration!
Warm regards,
Susan Lawrence Dyer ‘74 , St. Mary’s Academy
Carl Franzen ‘74, Ryken High School
Thomas McKay '74, Ryken High School
Deborah Breck Mummaugh ‘74, St. Mary’s Academy
Leonard Raley ‘74, Ryken High School
Richard Wentworth ‘74, Ryken High School
To donate by mail or in person, please download the form below and return it to the Development Office at St. Mary's Ryken.