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Athletics Focus Group Survey (Faculty, Staff, Coaches, BOD)


Thank you for your time and feedback!

Your input is invaluable in helping us grow as a community through listening, data collection, reflection, and continuous improvement. While immediate changes may not be guaranteed, we are committed to carefully reviewing, analyzing, and considering all responses to enhance our programs.

This survey will be reviewed exclusively by the SMR administration and athletic leadership team to ensure thoughtful evaluation.

At St. Mary’s Ryken High School Athletics, our mission is to provide a transformational experience through a championship culture that shapes our students for life. We achieve this through our commitment to:

  1. Academic Accountability
  2. Wellness
  3. Competition
  4. Personal Growth, aligned with the SMR mission and Portrait of a Graduate.

We truly appreciate your feedback and your role in our community’s success!

Students, parents and alumni will also be asked to complete a similar survey. 

If you choose to omit your name, your responses are anonymous. 

For any questions or concerns, please contact Director of Athletics, Jon Lombardo at

First Name
Last Name
I am arequiredCheck all that apply.
Check all that apply.
My student (s) is enrolled in the following graderequiredPlease select up to 4 choices
Please select up to 4 choices
Overall, I would rate my experience with SMR Athletics as a requiredPlease select up to 1 choice
Please select up to 1 choice
Overall, I would rank SMR athletics engagement with academic support as requiredPlease select up to 1 choice
Please select up to 1 choice
Overall, I would rank SMR Athletic program communications as requiredPlease select up to 1 choice
Please select up to 1 choice
In my opinion, the student-athlete experience has requiredPlease select up to 1 choice
Please select up to 1 choice
How does the student-athlete experience and the overall athletic culture at SMR impact you and your role?requiredPlease select up to 1 choice
Please select up to 1 choice
SMR athletic facilities and resources rank required
How likely are you to recommend SMR Athletics to another family?requiredPlease select up to 1 choice
Please select up to 1 choice