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Visitor Information

St. Mary's Ryken is located at 22600 Camp Calvert Rd., Leonardtown, Md., 20650. The main telephone number is 301-475-2814.

If you plan to visit campus during a school day, please check in at the main office located in Paschal Hall. When school is in session, the entrance gate to campus will be open for morning arrival and after-school pickup, and closed during the school day from 8:10 a.m. to 2:10 p.m. For late arrivals and early departures, students should be signed in/out at the Main Office, located in Paschal Hall. All visits to campus must be pre-arranged, and visitors must sign in at the Main Office before being granted access to campus. If you plan to visit campus, please email

Theatre and concert performances are held in the Mary Joy Hurlburt theatre in Romuald Hall.

Indoor sporting events are held in the Donnie Williams Center. 

The Admissions Office is located in Romuald Hall on the lower campus. If you are attending an Open House, please follow Camp Calvert Road to our main entrance. Signs will direct you to the open house check in area.

More information is available here about Leonardtown and nearby attractions.

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